Suffering, Can it be transfered?
In my opinion, suffering can be transerable. Just like a skin graph, an ACL graph, kidney transplant, or heart transplant. Why if you can transfer something so vital as someone's heart, you can't transfer suffering. Jesus did transfered his suffering for us when he was crucified. He lifted up His sufferings, so that we can have a chance at eternal life. The same for Our Mother, Mary. Her "yes" at Gabriel's annunciation undid the "no" of Eve.
For example, there was a pious women who offered herself for the salvation of her husbands soul. She wrote a note and it was given to her husband after she died. She aked God to give her sufficient sufferings to purchase the soul of her husband and that he was to become a Dominican priest. The husband thought this was just the words of a pious women and since he was well established Pagan, this would never happen. He found himself sitting infront of a church that his wife use to visit daily before she died about 4-5 years after she died. He was overcome with the Holy Spirit and knew what he had done was wrong and against God's will. He immediately went into the church confessed and asked what he needed to do to become a Dominican priest. The rest is history.
If you ever think that there is not a Hell, I recommend reading 23 minutes in Hell. That should help you understand the importance of salvation. I myself am struggling everyday to get the point that I do not sin and hope that someday I might see the magnificant light of God. Everyday I offer up my suffering for my husband and daughter. I concecrate my daughter to Mary, that she may do Her will. It is important to evangilize, tell the world about our God. Do some act to help repair the wrongs that are done in the world and help the souls in Purgatory. Do some fast and prayer to help transfuse what we are giving up in time and the minute moment of suffering for someone. Not only that, it will help us with discipline and doing what is hard. It trains us and if we have some type of demon attached to us, fasting and prayer is the only way to expel them. It is said the most powerful prayer against demons in The Creed- because it exercises our will. The "I believe..." and meaning it!
God Bless!